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21 December 2022

13 minutes

Since the end of 2021, 16 European countries and the United Kingdom have been affected by avian influenza. In France, as of December 5, 114 outbreaks in farms have been confirmed. Update on the situation and the measures in progress to fight against this virus galloping in Europe, with Anne Le Roux, Veterinary Doctor in poultry production and consultant of the Eureden cooperative.You can also read the latest news from the world of agriculture.


30 November 2022

14 minutes

Since 2020, one crisis after another has led to a surge in raw material costs: how is the livestock sector holding up ? With direct consequences for the sector, challenges to be overcome and prospects, the Voice of farming takes stock with Jean-Marie Séronie, an independent agro-economist.You can also read the latest news from the world of agriculture.

What future for the French Young Farmers ?

26 October 2022

14 minutes

How can we encourage young people or anyone wishing to enter the agricultural sector ? Between preserving an acceptable income and climatic stress, what are the levers envisaged by the Young Farmers to help the young generation take the plunge ? Answer with Arnaud Gaillot, National President of the Young Farmers.Find also the news of the agricultural world.


28 September 2022

10 minutes

Live from the podcasts area of the 36th edition of SPACE, the Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty answered our questions on the impact of livestock farming on the climate, the renewal of generations and also on this difficult year in terms of health and climate.

What impact does livestock farming have on the climate accordine to Jean Jouzel?

20 September 2022

13 minutes

What are the links between climate and livestock farming, and what are the solutions for reducing the impact of livestock farming on the climate? Answers with Jean Jouzel, climatologist and member of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council.

Innovation in the dairy industry

12 July 2022

10 minutes

Innovation is a major stimulus for this sector. What are the challenges and major developments already in operation and those to come in the dairy industry in terms of research and development ? Answers with Benoit Rouillé, Project Manager for Dairy Cow Feeding and Nutrition at the Institut de l'Elevage and leader of the FarmXP Milk technical group.Also find, in brief, the news of the agricultural world.

What changes in work in the agricultural sector ?

22 June 2022

17 minutes

Work has undergone major changes over the past half century and over the past 20 years the number of farm managers has decreased considerably. This month "La voix de l'élevage" takes a sociological look at the transformation of the world of work in the agricultural sector, with François Purseigle, university professor in sociology at the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, director of the Department of Economic, Social and Management Sciences at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Toulouse.Also find, in brief, the news of the agricultural world.


19 May 2022

13 minutes

For many young people, the end of the school year is synonymous with a choice of direction. Despite the decline in the number of farmers in France, agricultural education is still very popular. Between the growing diversity of training courses offered and the motivations expressed by those who follow these courses, the attraction of agricultural education is based on many reasons. An interview for La Voix de l'Elevage with Jean Salmon, president of the Conseil national de l'enseignement agricole privé (CNEAP).You can also find news from the world of agriculture in brief.

War in Ukraine: what is the current situation for agricultural markets ?

12 April 2022

21 minutes

Following the health and economic crises linked to the Covid-19 pandemic, there are new economic uncertainties facing the agricultural and agro-food sectors as a result of the war in Ukraine. What is the current situation for our markets and what are some of the palpable impacts for French farmers? Vincent Chatellier, economist and researcher at INRAE, offers his analysis on The Voice of Farming. You can also find a news brief from the agricultural sector. 

How do the French perceive agriculture ?

22 February 2022

11 minutes

How do the French perceive their agriculture ? What are farmers' expectations during this election period ? A few days before the opening of the Salon de l'Agriculture and a few weeks before the french presidential elections, The voice of farming talks to Eddy Fougier, a political scientist and lecturer at Sciences Po in Aix en Provence, who specializes in the relationship between society and the agricultural world...Find also the news in brief of the agricultural world.

What is the place of women in the agricultural sector in France?

17 January 2022

14 minutes

The feminization of the French agricultural world has made real progress over the past 50 years : women now represent 30% of permanent agricultural workers and more than a quarter of farm managers, compared to 8% in 1970.How is the future of women and parity in this sector shaping up, answers with Fanette Bon, journalist in charge of the Agriculture section at Ouest-France and Sylvie Tranchevent, farm manager and administrator of the Eureden cooperative.Find also the news in brief of the agricultural world.

Setting up and transferring livestock farms: What succession in Brittany?

22 December 2021

9 minutes

The Brittany region is a great land of livestock farming in the heart of today's and tomorrow's challenges : the well-being of the farmer and his animals, innovation... But there is also the question of the succession of livestock farms, which will be addressed during the General Assembly on the installation and transmission of livestock, launched on October 18, 2021. An overview with Arnaud Lécuyer, Vice-President of the Brittany Region in charge of Agriculture, Food and Agri-food.Find also the news in brief of the agricultural world.