Legal notice - Eureden EN

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Legal notice

Your continued navigation on this website entails your unreserved acceptance of the following provisions and terms of use.
The version of these terms of use that is currently online shall be the only binding version throughout the period of use of the site, until such time as it is replaced by a newer version.


1.1 Website:


1.2 Publisher: Eureden

Whose head office is located at ZAC de Kervidanou 3, 34 rue Ferdinand Buisson, 29300 Mellac, France, Registered with the Quimper Trade & Companies Register under number 841 645 690.

SIRET registration no.: 841645690 00022

Email address:

Tel. Theix-Noyalo : +33 (0)2 97 54 88 88

Tel. Landerneau : +33 (0)2 98 25 30 00

1.3 Design and production: Concept Image

48 rue Paul Langevin, 35200 Rennes, France


1.4 Hosting: Alfa-Safety

15 rue Lamoricière, 44100 Nantes, France

+33 (0)2 51 84 34 00


1.5 Director of Publication: Béatrice Perrot, Eureden Group Director of CSR & External Communications




Access to and use of the website are strictly reserved for personal use only. You agree not to use this website or the data and information it contains for any commercial, political or advertising purposes, or for any form of business publicity, namely to send out unsolicited email.



All the trademarks, photographs, texts, comments, illustrations, animated and non-animated images, video sequences, sound, all the software applications that may be used to run this website and, more generally, all the elements that are reproduced or used on the website are protected by current intellectual property laws.

They are the full and complete property of the publisher or its partners. Any reproduction, broadcasting, use or adaptation, in any form whatsoever, of some or all of those elements, including the software applications, is strictly prohibited without the publisher’s prior written consent. If the publisher should choose not to lodge proceedings as soon as it becomes aware of that unauthorized use, this shall not entail its acceptance of the said use or a waiver of its right to take legal action.



In the interest of managing the site, the publisher may at any time:

  • Suspend, interrupt or limit access to all or part of the website, or restrict access to the website, certain parts of it, or a specific category of visitor;
  • Remove any information that might disrupt how the website functions or that breaks any national or international law or the rules of “netiquette”;
  • Suspend the website in order to update it.



The publisher may not be held responsible in the event of a fault, failure, problem or interruption in the website’s operations, preventing access to the site or one of its features.

The hardware used to connect to the website is your sole responsibility. You must take appropriate measures to protect your hardware and data, namely from viral attacks over the Internet. You alone are responsible for the websites you visit and the data you consult.

The publisher may not be held responsible in the event of legal action against you:

– Due to use of the website or of any service that is available over the Internet;

– Due to your non-compliance with the present general terms of use.

The publisher shall not be responsible for any damage caused to you, any third parties and/or your equipment as a result of your use of or login to the site, and you waive all recourse to legal action against the publisher on those grounds.

Should the publisher become a party to amicable or litigious proceedings as a result of your use of the website, it may lodge an action against you to obtain compensation for all the damage, sums, sentences and costs that might ensue from those proceedings.

To ensure its security and accessibility by all visitors, you are informed that this website uses software to control traffic to the site, and to identify unauthorized attempts to log in or change information, or any other action which could be prejudicial to others. Unauthorized attempts to upload or alter information for the purpose of causing damage and, in general, any attempts to undermine the availability or integrity of this website are strictly prohibited and will be punished by law.



You are strictly prohibited from creating any hyperlinks pointing towards the website or a page thereof without the publisher’s prior written authorization, which may be requested by sending an email to

The publisher is free to withhold its authorization, without the obligation to provide any explanation whatsoever for its decision. Should the publisher grant its authorization, the latter will only be temporary and may be withdrawn at any time, with no obligation for the publisher to provide an explanation.

In any case, all links must be removed at the publisher’s request.

Any information that is accessible via a link to another website is not under the control of the publisher which declines all responsibility as to its content.


The data collected on the Site is done so in accordance with the RGPD Regulation and in compliance with the Personal Data Policy proposed on the Site and available for consultation via the following link: our personal data policy.



Photos: Eureden – Fotolia – @Alice Bertrand, Le Studio des 2 Prairies.

The photographs accompanying the product descriptions are not contractually binding upon the publisher.



These terms of use of the website are governed by French law and are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Brest, France, unless a legislative or regulatory text stipulates a specific court of jurisdiction.