Diversified, sustainable agriculture - Eureden EN

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Diversified, sustainable agriculture

Agroecology, organic, converting to organic... We are convinced that there must be as many agricultural models as there are types of consumer. Therefore, whatever the production method chosen, we are ALL committed to a process of progress to develop sustainable agriculture, which lays the foundation for the development of agri-food chains that create value. A value shared between consumers, the region, the planet, and us, the farmers and employees of Eureden.

Agroecology, a driver of sustainable agriculture

Our many working tools – the land, water and biodiversity – are fragile resources that we need to preserve. Faced with these resource issues, and with the desire to create a positive impact on the environment, we have embarked on a profound transformation of our production models through the Cultivons Autrement approach.

Because we truly believe that diversity in farming and farmers will enable us to respond to the diversity of consumers, we encourage varied agricultural models, and to ensure the sustainable development of agriculture, we support all our co-operative farmers in the implementation of agroecological practices that are respectful of ecosystems.


of Eureden’s vegetable farmers with level 2 or 3 environmental certification (HVE) 


volunteer farmers experimenting with alternatives to phytosanitary products and solutions with low environmental impact.


farmers have installed beehives on their farms, set up honey-bee fallows and/or taken part in wild bee counts


chemical insecticides and fungicides for vegetables grown in our Spanish subsidiary. This Veconatur approach was awarded the Alimentara Prize in 2020.

Guaranteeing the conditions of animal welfare

Developing diversified, sustainable agriculture also means thinking about animal welfare, both physical and psychological. Thus, as part of the Raised with Passion approach, we support farmers in developing practices that respect livestock, regardless of the breeding method, be it conventional or alternative. We also make discussions with our stakeholders a priority in order to gain a better understanding of their expectations in terms of animal welfare, all while respecting the well-being of our farmers.


Label Rouge pig producer in France


days of grazing per year, with over 6 hours per day on average for Eureden dairy farms


of hens reared using alternative methods (free-range, organic, code 2 animal welfare) by 2022. Target: 100%.


of Eureden pig farmers committed to a quality scheme such as Label Rouge which is just as demanding on product quality as on the welfare of animals.

Efficient and sustainable local value chains

Since the creation of Eureden, and in order to allow both the diversification of agricultural incomes and to get more value out of products, we have been keen to structure efficient and sustainable value chains in the region. For example, we have reintroduced protein crops in Brittany to reduce the proportion of imported soya for animal feed; we are also working to develop a 100% Breton organic cereal chain; and we are supporting farmers in the production of low-CO2 rapeseed, thus contributing to the development of biofuels.

In addition to obtaining better value for consumers and better remuneration for the farmers involved in these quality initiatives, the development of these new value chains contributes to reducing our carbon footprint and reinforces food sovereignty, which is an essential issue. 


French plant-based proteins in our animal feed 


less CO2 thanks to the production of local proteins for pig feed


awarded in 2021 for 8,000 tonnes of low-CO2-emission rapeseed


hectares dedicated to organic seed multiplication


To learn more about our CSR actions and commitments :

Download the 2022-2023 integrated report