Group history - Eureden EN

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Group history

The Eureden co-operative group is the heir to a hundred-year-old legacy. Discover the major milestones in the creation of our co-op, founded by and for farmers at the dawn of the 20th century.

Emergence of co-operative movements

1911: Creation of the Central Office of Mutual Agricultural Services of Finistère, an agricultural buyers’ association, whose activities rapidly expand to include mutual insurance (the future Groupama d’Armor) and rural credit funds (the future Crédit Mutuel de Bretagne), as well as lobbying for agricultural interests.

1920: Launch of cereal collection activities, later to include vegetables and potatoes.

1926: Expansion of the Central Office to cover the Côtes-du-Nord department.

1933: Creation of the Morbihan Farmers’ Union (SAM).

1936: Foundation of the Coop de Broons.

1936: Foundation of the Loudéac co-operative which goes on to become CACB in 1970, and partners with COPALL (created in 1963) to form Dynal in 1988.

1945: Creation of La Douphine (based in Brasparts).

1950: Foundation of the Trieux co-operative (based in Guingamp).


Set-up of value chains

1950-1960: Set-up and development of dairy and livestock co-operatives (pigs, cattle and chicken) at the Central Office.

1969: Creation of the Paysan Breton brand.

1968: Creation of the CECAB co-operative group, the result of a merger of five Morbihan co-operatives.

1968: SAM becomes the Morbihan Farmers’ Co-operative (CAM).

1972: The Brittany farmers’ co-operative becomes Coopagri Bretagne, adopting the logo of Les 3 Bretons.

1973: First Magasin Vert opens in Châteaulin (Finistère), followed by the development of distribution networks to reach the general public (self-service agricultural outlets, garden centres, etc.).



1976-1984: The UFM co-operative, specializing in vegetables, acquires the d’aucy brand and develops its downstream industry by purchasing several canneries.

1984-1997: The CECAB Group undertakes industrial development in the fields of vegetables, pork, turkey and eggs.

1998-2008: The CECAB Group continues its policy of external growth in France (with the buyout of Aubret) and abroad (with the acquisition of Globus in Eastern Europe).

2002: La Douphine, Dynal and Trieux co-operatives pool all their resources to form the Eolys Union.

2009: Merger of CECAB and Coop de Broons.

October 2010: Merger of CAM 56, Coopagri Bretagne and the Eolys Union to form the Triskalia Group.

2015: Merge of CECAB and UFM. The CECAB Group decides to change its name to “d’aucy Group”.


Birth of the Eureden co-operative group

12 December 2017: The d’aucy and Triskalia Groups announce a new plan for a Breton agri-food co-operative.

June & July 2018: The two groups’ general meetings vote to merge their businesses, subject to the approval of the French competition authority.

September 2018: Announcement of the future multi-site organization, with Brittany as the head office of the merged d’aucy/Triskalia and a Maison Commune in Quimperlé, from which the new group will be run.

31 January 2019: Eureden is chosen as the name of the new group produced by the merger of the two Breton co-operative agricultural and agri-food groups.

24 July 2019: Approval of the planned merger by the French competition authority.

13 December 2019: The Eureden merger is accepted by the farmers representing the CECAB/d’aucy Group and Triskalia co-operatives during the two groups’ respective general meetings.

1 January 2020: union of the two co-operative groups and pooling of their means of action and production.

1 January 2021: merger of the two cooperative groups: implementation of the final Eureden governance.